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Web Development: What I learned from The HTML Crash Course by Brad Traversy

I completed the HTML Crash course by Brad Traversey, and here I will share with you what I learned.

What did I do?

What lessons did I learn?

I learned something that is very useful in web development.

You can right click on a webpage and go to Inspect.

There you can do some useful things such as:

  • View the HTML and CSS structure of the webpage.
  • Make temporary changes to this HTML and CSS structure to see what it looks like.
  • See what the page looks like on other devices and see if it’s responsive or not.
  • Lots of other cool stuff that experienced web developers make use of.

Here is my offical webpage when you right click and go to Inspect:

I look forward to more of Brad Tarversey’s informative courses.

2 responses to “Web Development: What I learned from The HTML Crash Course by Brad Traversy”

  1. Web Dev: Creating a webpage with a video background with Brad Traversy – Peter Eagleton

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